Frankfurt/Germany. After an interview with Ronny Kazyska about skyscrapers in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung / FAZ (https://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/wohnen/makler-wolkenkratzer-sind-nachhaltig-18121398.html), the expert journal "Der Immobilienbewerter" has published an expert article by Ronny Kazyska.
The current issue 4/2022 of the expert magazine "Der Immobilienbewerter" addresses the special property skyscraper in a multi-page expert article by Ronny Kazyska. The focus is on international markets. The global number of skyscrapers is described. The structural characteristics of skyscrapers are explained. The specifics of the land value of skyscrapers are discussed. The different life spans of skyscrapers, depending on the type of use, are described. Recommendations are given for the individual management costs, which include administration and maintenance costs as well as the risk of loss of rent. The special characteristics of the operating costs are explained. A modernization risk is discussed. Rent heights, purchase prices, and yields in skyscrapers are specified. The treatise ends with an exemplary valuation of a skyscraper in the capital of the United Kingdom, London.
The treatise presents some content of the new expert book by Ronny Kazyska with the title "the valuation of skyscrapers in international markets" in the expert journal for the valuation practice "Der Immobilienbewerter".
A free sample issue of the expert journal "Der Immobilienbewerter" can be ordered online at any time, free of shipping costs from Reguvis Fachmedien.
The respected professional journal "Der Immobilienbewerter - Zeitschrift für die Bewertungspraxis" is published by Reguvis Fachmedien GmbH and Deutsche Immobilien-Akademie an der Universität Freiburg GmbH. Cooperation partner is the real estate federation Germany (IVD). Editor-in-chief is the business journalist Gabriele Bobka.
The magazine offers current and reliable information on land valuation, property valuation, standardized and non-standardized procedures, rental valuation, mortgage lending valuation, special cases or special property segments, rights and encumbrances on real estate, etc. It also provides background information on special properties.
It also provides background information on special real estate and real estate submarkets, current market reports, notifications on planned changes in legislation and statistical evaluations, supra-regional trends and tendencies, analyses and studies, and information on the relevant case law. Furthermore, it offers working aids, sample expert opinions, case studies, practical advice, and statements on controversial topics and discussions of fundamental issues.